Friday, May 28, 2010


I am a former speech language pathologist and mom to two beautiful little girls. I quit my job a year ago to stay home with them and have not regretted it for one minute. My hubby and I believe that our girls are a precious gift from God and that it is our job to raise them in a home where they are surrounded by God's word. We strive to create an environment that lifts up the Lord. Abby is almost 5 years old and my darling hubby and I have decided to not send her to kindergarten this year. Our precious Lyla just turned 2. Another little one will join our family in October. We are leaning toward homeschooling, but have not decided anything for sure.

After spending time in prayer and researching, I have decided to enroll Lyla in Tot School and Abby will begin the Raising Rock Stars Preschool curriculum. I would also like to begin a more structured weekly Bible study night with the whole family. I have a heart for missions and would like to incorporate that as well. We are beginning in the summer, which might be a little crazy, but with a new baby arriving in October, I would like to establish a new routine for ourselves.

My hope is that maintaining this blog and sharing with others will keep me motivated and be a kind of scrapbook of my blessed life.

I also have another blog, Abby's Army, that details my oldest daughter's battle with a brain tumor. She was diagnosed a year ago and is doing great. If you want to keep up with her medical situation, you can hop over there.

Thanks for visiting!

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